Salerno, Italy

The municipal government of Salerno, Comune di Salerno, mobilised a multi-disciplinary team including universities and private organisations to develop a City Energy Plan to reach or surpass the goals set by the European Union in terms of reducing CO2 emissions, reducing energy consumption and generating energy from renewable sources. The plan includes an energy audit together with a very advanced and comprehensive energy monitoring system; a list of specific actions for implementation as well as proposals for new laws, incentives and regulatory frameworks.

Targets and actions included:

Driving carbon reductions:

  • Set target to exceed the goals fixed by the EU in terms of CO2 emissions, energy saving and renewable energy production;
  • Installed a 24MW solar photovoltaic plant; and
  • Converted conventional cars into hybrid solar vehicles.

Energy strategy:

  • Prepared an extensive City Energy Plan covering: street lighting; buildings; urban planning; water savings, water catchment and management; mobility through smart traffic lights and incentives for car-pooling, use of bicycles, park and ride; and improved waste recycling and re-use;
  • Developed the Plan with input from many experts from the university – there is a strong link between universities and researchers and the City of Salerno to ensure researchers are able to help policy makers better define energy initiatives and what is effective, sustainable and feasible; and
  • Used mathematical modelling to prioritise actions.

Knowledge sharing:

  • Adopted a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together a team of experts within the City Energy Plan including City of Salerno Energy Office, many researchers and departments of the University of Salerno, University of Naples and also private consultants etc.

Promoting carbon saving:

  • Promoted energy efficient appliances.
  • Initiated ‘Solidarity Purchasing Groups’ – to help consumers build PV gazebos on their roof and install highly insulated windows.


Ran a display campaign to monitor energy and water consumption in schools – clear visuals, easy to understand.