Treviso Contarina (Italy)

Contarina is a publically owned waste management compnay serving a region of 1 300 km2 and a population of 554 000 inhabitants across 50 municipalities in the Veneto region (Italy), with 260 000 users across a range of urban and rural settlements. Contarina employs separate waste collection strategies for less densely populated areas and densely populated and often logically complex (historic) urban centres:

Standard service for less densely populated areas (below)


Service for densely populated urban areas, including small bags for users with limited space (below)


Contarina implements a PAYT approach. Users are charged a 60 % fixed fee based on household numbers, plus a 40 % variable fee based on home composting (-30 %) and number of bin collections. Waste collection costs are less than half the Italian average, at EUR 104 per user. Contarina has successfully increased the recycling rate for MSW in Treviso from 55 % in 2013 to 85 % in 2014, simultaneously reducing residual waste to 53 kg per capita per year.