Meura Delta system

In the case of the Meura Delta system, two similar bioreactors were used in series (Figure 1). The wort is continuously fed into the first bioreactor where controlled aeration is allowed. In parallel, an appropriate pump circulates the fermenting beer and facilitates the cooling process via an external heat exchanger. The beer from the top of the first bioreactor is pumped to the top of the second bioreactor. Afterwards, the green beer is pumped into a suitable vessel where the final treatment is taking place. The residence time is approximately 22 hours per bioreactor (Virkajarvi, 2001).

case study

 Figure1: The Meura Delta system for increased beer production (Virkajarvi, 2001)


Source: Virkajarvi, I. (2001), Feasibility of continuous main fermentation of beer using inmobilised yeast, Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Publications, ISBN: 951-38-5840-5, 430.