SITA (United Kingdom)

SITA is a company in charge of waste management in many UK cities. In 2010, CMS SupaTrak began working with SITA UK to explore the potential benefits of implementing a telematics system throughout their fleet. An initial trial was carried out with “EcoTrak” fuel-saving technology on 12 municipal and recycling vehicles from the Warwick depot. EcoTrak is a telematics system which records driver behaviour in real time, measuring vehicle and driver performance against parameters including speed, idling time, harsh braking and accelerating, over-revving and excessive throttle use. This information can then be used to target remedial driver training to promote more fuel-efficient practices.

Following a two-week benchmarking period during which driver behaviour was covertly recorded and translated into summary reports, driver training and coaching was delivered by trainers with industrial experience and knowledge.

The trial resulted in fuel savings of 12 %, which were extrapolated up to an annual GHG emission reduction of 3 000 tonnes. Following on from the success of the trial, SITA UK has decided to roll out EcoTrak technology across 650 vehicles based around 32 sites, and the trial has been replicated across other SITA operations throughout Europe. The technology is compatible with all vehicle manufacturers.

Source: Owl Waste (2015)